Recently updated on February 5th, 2024 at 05:55 am

Belong is an Broadband Internet Service Provider. Get verified information about Belong complaints email & Phone number. Phone or write in the first instance. The complaints line is 1300 235 664 If you wish to correspond with Belong online you should use the online form via their website.

Belong Contact Information

Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction

Phone number : 1300 235 664

Support Email :

Support Form :  Belong Support Form

Company website :

Tweet: belongau

Corporate Head Office address

Level 38, 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia

Customer service hours: 8am and 8pm (AEDT), 7 days a week

How to make a Complaint to Belong

Complaints handling is available on the Belong website via ‘Customer Support.’ The first step is to call on the complaints line 1300 BELONG (1300 235 664). If your complaint is not resolved at this stage, the company’s complaints procedure is clearly set out along with further contact details such as a correspondence address and online contact form.

Also Read: Virgin Australia Complaints email & Phone Number

More Contact Number’s Of Belong

Belong customer service Contact : 1300 235 664

About Belong

Belong began in October 2013 together with the purpose of shaking-up the aggressive home broadband marketplace by supplying Australians with good value ADSL and nbnTM community providers.

Products & Services


Network services

Resources Belong


People Also Ask

Where is Belong head office?
Level 38, 242 Exhibition St, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000, Australia

How many employees does Belong have?
40 employees

Who is Belong Australia CEO?
Jana Kotatko

How do I email the CEO of Belong?

Is Belong an Australian company?
In 2019 we became the very first Australian telco to go carbon neutral.

Also Read: Brisbane City Council Complaints email & Phone Number

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Belong Complaint information.

Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Belong, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Belong directly. You can find complaint contact details for Belong above.

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Belong Australia
Average rating:  
 14 reviews
 by Elsie

The product is of poor quality, but the customer service is excellent. Eighty percent of the time, I can't use the internet because it keeps dropping. I am running out of time at home, so I will have to find a better solution quickly. If I called in every time I didn't have internet, I would be on the phone ten times a day, but the problem would still arise whenever I needed it in the morning, throughout the day, at night, or in the evening.

 by Jamielee

Absolutely ridiculous when only form of communication is via email. They are slow to respond and take longer than 48hrs to reply. Get nowhere. Would not recommend this service provider.

 by Jaydon
City where company is located (optional): East Bentleigh

I have made a fault on them but to reply.

 by Myles
City where company is located (optional): BYRON BAY

Impossible to get in contact with their support team. No contact number. Have been trying to cancel my service with Belong for a month now and it's impossible to do so.


 by Jalaja
City where company is located (optional): Melbourne

I wish I could give them negative rating. They randomly disconnected the service without consent and deducted the monthly bill without service. The customer service team does not have a contact number which is ridiculous. Highly unprofessional service.

 by Patrick
Customer service
City where company is located (optional): Melbourne

I am SO unsatisfied with Belong and I haven't even had my internet connected yet.

I acknowledge that we are going through difficult times, however, this does not justify not having a phone line where people can have issues resolved promptly.

It took me 35 minutes to get any information out of someone via their chat application on their website.

Belong sent me a consignment tracking yesterday, I checked the tracking today and it confirmed my modern was delivered which it wasn't. I called star track and they said the consignment doesn't exist.
I then messaged belong and said hey guys what's going on? The link says it's delivered by star track aren't recognising your consignment, the chat person person assured me it was sent yesterday to my new address. I specifically placed the delivery address as my existing address as I am not living at my new address yet so this in itself is very annoying.
Thankfully I have a friend that works for Australia Post and i sent him the link, he said it's definitely delivered and he was kind enough to check for me.
Lo and behold it was delivered, but Belong still think it's on its way and star track can't even see it on its system.
I will 100% be disconnecting my internet and finding a new provider once I am moved in, not having the option to call someone is NOT OK.

 by Loretta
City where company is located (optional): Bendigo

I'm being charged for NBN service that i am simply unable to use. Despite several emails, there has been ZERO contact from Belong.

 by L

It was easier to call the belong team to help with issues fast now that you have to email and wait for them to get back to you is annoying . What if you needed your internet connected urgently ? I hope they return to taking phone calls another way to resolve issues because getting in contact thru email is just not happening.

 by george
WiFi home internet
City where company is located (optional): sydney

I am discusted with belong this is my 3rd day without WiFi internet at home I've emailed 5 times and have asked them to cancel my plan waiting 24hrs rubbish I've been waiting for 3 days I am going to take them to a current affair on TV

 by stevie commane
Resetting password
City where company is located (optional): Melbourne

I have never used a system so confusing. Can't phone they send you back to online service. Can't use online service because don't have password. Can't talk to anyone because there is no one

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