Recently updated on February 1st, 2024 at 05:42 am
Medicare is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Get verified information about Medicare complaints email & Phone number. Phone or write in the first instance. The complaints line is 1800 132 468. If you wish to correspond with Medicare online you should use the online form via their website.
Medicare Contact Information
Report complaints to corporate and get satisfaction
Phone number : 1800 132 468
Support Email
Support Form : Medicare Support Form
Company website :
Tweet: @HumanServicesAU
Corporate Head Office address
19-23 Hollywood Ave, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Customer service hours:7 days a week, 24 hours a day
How to make a Complaint to Medicare
Complaints handling is available on the Medicare website via ‘Customer Support.’ The first step is to call on the complaints line 1800 132 468. If your complaint is not resolved at this stage, the company’s complaints procedure is clearly set out along with further contact details such as a correspondence address and online contact form.
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More Contact Number’s Of Medicare
Medicare customer service: 132 011
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access Line: 1800 556 955
Aged Care Fee Assessments and Services: 1800 227 475
Australian Immunisation Register enquiries: 1800 653 809
Organ Donor Register Australian: 1800 777 203
Compensation Recovery – Medicare: 132 127
Continence Aids Payment Scheme: 1800 239 309
Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme: 1800 660 026
Healthcare Identifiers Service: 1300 361 457
Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES): 1300 300 271, +61 1300 300 271
myGov help desk Medicare: 132 307
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme – general enquiries: 132 290
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme – taking or sending medicine overseas: 1800 500 147
Provide feedback, suggestions or make a complaint: 1800 132 468
Scams and identity theft Medicare: 1800 941 126
Medicare Telephone claims: 1300 360 460
Recorded information number: 132 468
Applying for child support and general enquiries: 131 272
Automated Child Support information service number: 131 107
Child Support feedback and complaints line: 1800 132 468
Child Support online accounts and Express: 131 272
Child Support payment hotline: 1800 241 272
Hearing impaired assistance: 133 677
National Relay Service – Quote: 131 272
Medicare TTY: 1800 810 586
About Medicare
Medicare is the publicly funded universal health care system in Australia. Operated by the Department of Human Services, Medicare is the primary funder of health care in Australia, funding primary health care for Australian citizens and permanent residents including Norfolk Island.
Products & Services
- Human Services
- Health care Services
Resources Medicare
People Also Ask
How do I ring Medicare?
calling Medicare general enquiries on 1800 132 468.
Can I access Medicare without myGov?
If you don’t have a myGov account or a Medicare online account, you’ll need to set them up. You can use your Medicare online account to manage details and claims, view statements and get letters online. To do your business with us online, create a myGov account and link to Medicare.
How do I check my Medicare details?
Sign in to myGov and select Medicare. If you’re using a computer, sign in to myGov and select Medicare. If you’re using the app, open it and enter your myGov pin. Select View and edit my details from the My details menu.
How do I access Medicare Australia?
You’ll need to sign into the Express Plus Medicare mobile app to access it. To use the app, you need a myGov account linked to your Medicare online account. If you don’t have these, set them up and then download the app
Also Read: AGL Australia complaints number & email
Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records for Medicare Complaint information.
Use below complaint form to discuss problems you have had with Medicare, or how they have handled your complaints. Initial complaints should be directed to Medicare directly. You can find complaint contact details for Medicare above.
Customer Reviews & Complaints
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Lisa was excellent; she completed everything completely. She called me back and double-checked to be sure she didn't know. I would suggest this place for assistance to anyone I know at any time.
Terrible customer service. I rang this number to change some details on my medicare card that you can't change online. I got through to an operator the first time who check I couldn't alter them online and then they transferred me to someone who could help. For over half an hour later of music and messages the phone started to ring tone and then either someone hung up in medicare or it just cut out.
I m now ringing the number again and getting the same music for another 30mins etc. This so bad. I realise that these are busy times but where is your call back option. What happens if I was old or unwell trying to contact this service??
I would give them 10 stars if I could, GREAT service.